An ambiguous animation painted on public walls
Made in Buenos Aires and Baden
Animation and Editing by Blu
Assistant: Sibe
Music by Andrea Martignoni
Produced by Mercurio Films
via Linkfilter.
An ambiguous animation painted on public walls
Made in Buenos Aires and Baden
Animation and Editing by Blu
Assistant: Sibe
Music by Andrea Martignoni
Produced by Mercurio Films
via Linkfilter.
The Graffiti Research Lab is dedicated to outfitting graffiti writers, artists and protestors with open source tools for urban communication. The goal of the G.R.L. is to technologically empower individuals to creatively alter and reclaim their surroundings from commercial and corporate culture. G.R.L. agents are currently working in the lab and in the field to develop and test a range of experimental technologies for the state-of-the-art graffiti writer.This site documents those efforts with video documentation and DIY instructions for each project.
LED Throwies fascinate me.