Matrixsynth == Synth Porn

matrixsynth centerfold

The place is filled with photos and videos of synthesizers in action. I visit this site at least a few times a week, as there is almost always something new to look at or read. I’m sure it won’t be long before I start stealing links from Matrixsynth.

Matrixsynth, simply put is a blog on everything synth. I started the site on July 20th of 2005 as a means of keeping track of all the interesting tidbits I came across in the synthesizer community. I’m a synth hobbyist. I track intersting news, samples, images, trivia and more, including all the manufacturers such as Moog, Yamaha, Roland, Korg, Alesis, Clavia, and Access along with the boutique modular synth shops like MOTM, MacBeth Studios, Cwejman, Doepfer, Analog Soultions, etc.

– Matrix

I also recommend you visit Matrixsynth’s sister blog Synthwire.