Now that I have the basic Markov engine happening, it’s play time. Instead of a simple three node chain, today’s example has eight. And each node does not lead to every other node, which adds a layer of melodic phrasing.
Source code: markov_experiment_2.csd
Nothing more to say really, other than it’s time for me to start working on my orchestrations to make these things sound more musical than these tech demos.
Interesting. I didn’t realize that Markovian processes were used in music.
Yes, in fact all of David Cope’s work is, at its core, based on Markov Models. He runs an analysis of a corpus of work (like, operas by Mozart for instance, or a few of his own pieces), and this generates a massive markov model, which is then used with other processes to generate a new piece of music.
Very nice. I’m going to study the .csd to see how you did it. It might be interesting to add a little more variability in the choice of the next note by setting up a bank of sliders in QuteCsound.
The next step would be to split the rhythm durations apart from the pitch choices — not completely, as it’s nice when there’s a perceptible relationship (a self-similarity of notes at a certain pitch), but with a little more flexibility.