The Audio Programming Book at Facebook

The Audio Programming Book, edited by Richard Boulanger and Victor Lazzarini, has a brand new Facebook page.

I personally love this book. I spent a lot of time with it when I first received my copy. Within that timeframe, many concepts of what is actually happening behind the scenes of digital audio and synthesis started to become clear to me.

Unfortunately, I got crazy busy, and had to shelf-it. Though I have plans to revisit it this upcoming October.

I did post some of the exercises I was working over at GitHub. If you’re interested:

MIDI to Frequency Chart
Breakpoint List

Spotify Playlist Tuesdays

So I’m more or less in love with Spotify, and even pay the monthly subscription. And I’m really trying hard not to spam you with this ringing endorsement, but if you look at the math, $10 for a new CD or $10 a month with crazy awesome library that consists of everything from Stockhausen to Lords of Acid, then it’s pretty clear why I have the feelings that I do. Even without the subscription, the free version of the service is magnitudes greater than radio.

If you have spotify and want to follow me, here is my public profile. Also, if there is something that I should be listening to, please let me know.

SuperCollider Short

Though Csound is my preferred computer music language, I do love exploring the other options. The other big name in computer music languages is SuperCollider, obviously. I spent significant time with SC2 back when it was still a commercial app, and then didn’t touch SC until recently when I picked up The SuperCollider Book.

One of my self-imposed exercises to relearn the platform was to do a piece in the vein of sc140, a collection of SuperCollider compositions that fit in a tweet were curated by Dan Stowell.

fork{{play{var a,x=333;{var t=x=9.rand+1/3*x;a=a.add([t,t+4]))}!9;*,2,0.1,0,1,2)};0.8.rand.wait}!9999}

This exercise proved to be quite a success. Not necessarily for the final piece, but because this process forced me to seriously dig through the language and materials in order educate myself on various tips, tricks and hacks necessary to make everything fit in 140 characters; I’m certain it could be further optimized.

Welcome to CodeHop

Welcome to CodeHop.

I’m consolidating all three of my former WordPress blogs into one, and broadening the scope to include all things that relate to code, art and music.

It’ll take some time for me to fully get all the details smoothed out, such as building a custom theme and fixing 400 imported posts. Though content is what’s important, so no point in waiting.

The existing 400 posts come from the following sources:

– Jake