Beginning Csound @ NYC Resistor

Beginning Csound

Beginning Csound
July 28, 2008 @ NYC Resistor
1 Session, 3 hours, with personalized post-session project with instructor via email.
Cost $75

Csound is the most powerful computer music language in the world, with a direct lineage to Max Mathews’ original Music-N languages. The focus of this class will be a synthesis of three topics: The Csound language, synthesizer theory, and composing weird alien music.

Together, we will demystify the assembly-like syntax of the Csound language. We will cover the fundamentals of synthesizer theory, including: oscillators, filters, envelopes, amplifiers and modulation. Finally, we’ll tie it all together by composing sounds in the vein of classic Sci-Fi movies.

Taught by Jacob Joaquin (that’s me.) Click here to enroll.

Csound Journal Issue 7

Csound Journal Cover Art

The 7th issue of the Csound Journal was posted back in October, and I’m finally able to properly pimp it out to the world. Here is the list of articles pressent in this edition:

Csound Journal Issue 6

The 6th issue of the Csound Journal has been published at Here is the list of articles pressent in this edition:

  • Aspects of Bandlimiting by James Hearon
  • Developing LADSPA Plugins with Csound by Victor Lazzarini and Rory Walsh
  • Using Python Inside Csound by Andrés Cabrera
  • Perl and Csound – Part 2 by Jacob Joaquin (that’s me)
  • Csound Journal Issue 5

    The 5th issue of the Csound Journal has been published at A range of topics are discussed, including Pure Data, an art installation, HPKComposer and Perl. To quote editor Stever Yi, “It never ceases to amaze me the number of different ways that people are using Csound and the wide variety of musics being made.” [source]

    I previously mentioned I had written an article for the journal. I’m happy to announce that “Perl and Csound – Part I” is included in this issue. I want to personally thank the editors James Hearon and Steven Yi for giving me the opportunity to contribute to one of my favorite online publications.