TamTam, Csound and the OLPC

Just last week, a friend of mine was telling me that Csound is included in the One Laptop Per Child program (OLPC.)

Last night, I coincidentally stumbled across the development blog for TamTam, “a suite of three applications / activities developed for the $100 laptop.” [source]  The program is implemented using Python and PyGTK, and utilizes Csound as its synthesis engine.  The TamTam GUI appears to be very user-friendly, and reminds me of a simplified version of Max/MSP combined with a midi sequencer.  

The OLCP is, among other things, a musical instrument.  The fact that this musical instrument is going to make its way into the hands of children spanning dozens of cultures fascinates me to no end.

As a side note, I can’t help but think of the NAVI computer in Serial Experiments Lain.  I look forward to the day OLPC laptops become commercially available, so that I may get my hands on one.

Electronic Music Foundation

Empowering creativity in music and sound through technology

Founded in September 1994, Electronic Music Foundation (EMF) is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization that organizes concerts and festivals, publishes and disseminates information, and provides access to materials relevant to the history and creative potential of electronic music.

Know Your Roots: OHM+


:the early gurus of electronic music

“Electronic music represents freedom from conventional music forms: it liberates the production of sound. I was very interested in electronic music from its philosophical point of view. It is music that takes chances: it’s adventurous, it doesn’t sit still. And that’s something that should be applied to culture at large.” – Iara Lee

Ohm: The Early Gurus of Electronic Music is a sensational sonic history, grounded in mold-breaking experimentation. With virtually no rules to follow, or previous works to emulate, these composers were given a new freedom unlike anything else before. Naysayers would call this compilation a lot of things, but not music. For the open minded, this three disc +dvd set is an opportunity for exploring a world of sound you may have not experienced before.