The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust!

The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust

“Side effects may include simply being who you are.”

Ask me what my favorite album is and I will tell you The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust! by Saul Williams.

Albums like this are a true rarity in my life, where both the music and lyrics work together as one, getting into my head, forever changing how I hear the world around me. I look forward to the weekends when find myself in my darkened listening space, pacing to the rhythms, yelling the words into my fist.

Instead of descending into a preachy speech as to why you need to own this, I’m giving you this link. You have the option of downloading it for free, or paying $5. The choice is yours.


Martians by Zia

ZIA is an exclusively electronic band who began performing on the East Cost in 1992. Founded by Elaine Walker, ZIA bangs out pro-space and sci-fi music on futuristic instruments. The notes and samples are triggered ALL LIVE with drum sticks! Microtonal musical scales run rampant throughout the ZIA repertoire. In the pop genre this is a monumental task which adds an eerie, futuristic edge to the songs.” (source)

ZIA is by far my favorite pro-space electronic band. They just released their new album Martians. Ordered mine last week. If you’re curious as to what ZIA sounds like, check out their myspace.