Slipmat Pre-Alpha 0.01.0 Released

Slipmat 0.01.0

I just released a new Slipmat package at sourceforge. This latest version comes with three new examples, including one that uses a basic Java GUI. Four out of the five examples are now pre-rendered as CSDs for convenience. There are also a handful of new synth Modules to play with.

The documentation has been improved, including better Javadoc support. The Javadocs are not pre-rendered as to keep the size of the release to a minimum, so you’ll have to generate them yourself. Many IDEs, including NetBeans and Eclipse, will generate them for you.

There is also the PseudoTutorial example that gives a broad overview of the design of Slipmat and how to use it.

And in case you’re wondering, Slipmat is “A Java-based modular computer music library built on top of the Csound API.”

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