AndrĂ©s Cabrera has released two new screencasts demonstrating how to use some of Csound’s extended functions with the QuteCsound editor.
The first video shows how one can get Csound talking with other applications using OSC. Communication is quickly becoming one of the most important aspects of any and all software. Csound doesn’t have to be an island, and OSC is one of the fastest and easiest ways to plug Csound into a network of multimedia platforms. The second video introduces the Analysis-Resynthesis tools. Though these tools can be looked upon as legacy utilities, as they come from the non-realtime days of old, they are still might powerful and can lead to some wonderful sounds. You’d be wise to spend a saturday afternoon with them.
“This screencast shows how to use OSC (Open Sound Control) to connect Csound with other software like Pure Data, SuperCollider or Reaktor.” Watch Using OSC in Csound at YouTube.
“A quick overview of the Analysis Standalone Utilities in Csound, and their usage within QuteCsound”. Watch Analysis-Resynthesis Utilities in Csound at YouTube.