How would Slipmat’s @ scheduler work when applying various Python methodologies?
To celebrate the release of my friend Sarah MacLean’s new book, Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake, here are 9 rules for scheduling events. Each of the following examples produce the exact same result:
1. Individual Events
@0 foo() @1 foo() @2 foo() @3 foo()
2. List
@[0, 1, 2, 3] foo()
3. Identifier
t = [0, 1, 2, 3] @t foo()
4. List Comprehension
@[i for i in range(0, 4)] foo()
5. Loop
for i in range(0, 4): @i foo()
6. Function
def bar(): @0 foo() @1 foo() @2 foo() @3 foo() bar()
7. Nested
foo() 1: foo() 1: foo() 1: foo()
8. Item Iteration
items = (0, 1, 2, 3) @[i for i in items] foo()
9. Map
def bar(x): return x @(map(bar, range(0, 4)) foo()
And a special message for Sarah, “Ninjas.”
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