Das Kombinat Multimedia

This is the musicvideo of Das Kombinat to the title ‘Multimedia’ from the CD ‘Betriebssystem’. The real life footage was shot 1998 on Hi8 video, but the quality was so low that it couldnt be keyed in a good way so we stored and forgotten about it. In 2002 videosoftware made such advances that we tried a new application and imedantly bought a license because it saved our material. Keying is still poor but much better now. We combined the footage to 3D animations we created. The sound is complete rendered digital with the opensource csound back around 1996. The video was shown several times, for instance before Notstandskomitee concerts, but also included into the blue screen issue of the Berlin CDr artzine t.i.n.a.h. .

By far the coolest video I’ve watched all morning.

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