Csoundo Progress Report

I think I leveled up in terms of my understanding of the Csound API since last weekend, thanks to prompt and insightful help from Csounders on the mailing list. This translates into being able to move Csoundo along faster than I have been. Which is probably a necessity since interest in Csoundo unexpectedly starting gaining momentum last week, and I want to capitalize on it.

The point to my rambling is that this project has been moving forward since I released Csoundo 9 days ago. It may still be awhile until Csoundo works flawless on all computers, but many issues have now been identified, and I’ve been researching solutions.

That said, there are many bugs that have not been reported. Feel free to email them to me (jacobjoaquin@gmail.com), or just post a comment here. Furthermore, if you come up with any examples you’re proud of, pass it along. I’m *very* interested to see your projects.

On a related note, I picked up one of these.

See Arduino. And perhaps Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (loved that movie.)

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