I plugged my Doepfer + Cwejman + Plan-B analog synth into Csound to get a sense how to better integrate the two systems.
In a nutshell, I created a simple Csound granular synthesizer that emits snippets of an acoustic guitar recording. Csound takes two inputs from the modular synth. The first input triggers a new grain, for which I use the unipolar pulse wave from the Doepfer A-146 LFO2; This allows me to control the rate in which grains are fired. The second input determines where in the audio recording the grain playhead begins. To move forward through the audio, a I use a saw up wave. A saw down wave moves through the soundfile in reverse. A sine or triangle wave ping-pongs. Noise randomly selects a start position. Etc…
Download: analog_mod_control.csd
There’s definitely some potential here, though I’m learning it takes quite a bit of setup time to get right, and getting it right has yet to be achieved. I’m determined to stick with it, because the potential of getting these two things talking to each other will be well worth the effort.